This manual is for individuals or patients or clients who wants to access their scan images or forward it to another person. 

For Windows Desktop or Laptop

Please note that these images cannot be viewed on a mobile or an ipad. you will need a computer.  

Step 1

Open the email that you have received for the images and click on the button “Click here to start”

Step 2

The system will send you a password – Either on your mobile or on your additional email address. Enter the password on the next screen

Step 3

On the next screen you will see the name of the patients and some action buttons in front of it. Click on “Download” to download it on your desktop or click on “Forward” to send it to another clinician or person. 

Step 4

When you click on Download a zipped file is Downloaded. It may take several minutes depending on the size of the file and your internet speed. Once downloaded, RIGHT CLICK on the file and then click on “Extract Here” or “Unzip Files”

Step 5

Once the extraction (or also known a unzipping) is done, you will see a list of files in that folder. DOUBLE CLICK on the files “Viewer Windows” and it will open the images viwer automatically. It may take few seconds to a couple of minutes to open the viewer. 

Step 6

A Black Screen (Viewer) will open which is the images viewer. You can see all your scan images on that screen and can also download specific images or the whole exam. 
