Help and Support

For any questions please write to [email protected] or call at 03333441811

Reports and Images

When do I get my scan report?

Radiologist Report is generated usually within 1 to 5 days depending on different locations and service providers. TOP MRI provides an indication of the time for each location. Please note that in some cases the imaging centre may take longer to deliver the report depending on several factors.

How do I get my scan report?

The scan report is usually sent by email to the referring clinician who is supposed to explain it to the patient/client and then provide them the report. If you are self referring, the report will be sent to the clinician that approves your scan and once they have reviewed the report it is sent to you by email. If you have not received your radiologist report within 5 working days then please write to [email protected] or call us at 03333441811

When do I get my images?

Usually the images are shared on the same day when the report is issued.

How do I get my scan images?

Usually the imaging centre will send you a link to access the images. Images can be also requested directly in the future from the Imaging Clinic or Hospital where you had your scan.

User Guides to view the images

IEP Sectra - Click Here

What if I have questions about my report or images?

You can discuss any questions with the clinician that referred you for the scan. If you need further clarification from the radiologist then please write to [email protected]. Your enquiry will be passed to the referring clinician and then the radiologist for their comments. Kindly allow a few days for them to reply.

Who prepares the written scan report?

All scan reports are prepared by UK certified radiologists. Each imaging centre works with different set of radiologists who are associated with them. These radiologists are usually the specialist in their field. These radiologists are independent of TOP MRI

Can you send my report and images to my own doctor or hospital?

Yes, the reports or images can always be provided electronically to your doctor or hospital on your instructions. Simply write to [email protected] and provide the email address or fax of the doctor/hospital you want us to send the report. Your hospital can also request the images over IEP to the imaging centre it is reported by. Details of the Imaging Centre is present on the written radiologist report.

For how long my report and images are stored?

Usually the imaging centre keeps the reports and scan images for several years (5 to 7 years)